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Preoperative Interview and Planning


Preoperative Interview and Planning

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to improve the shape and function of the nose. In order to achieve a successful result, a discussion and planning process must take place between the patient and the surgeon before the surgery. First, the patient discusses his/her expectations, wishes and concerns in detail with the surgeon. The surgeon evaluates the patient's existing nasal structure and sets aesthetic goals. During the consultation, the surgeon communicates clearly with the patient about how the procedure will take place, what techniques will be used and what the results may be. The patient is thoroughly informed about every aspect of the procedure, including its risks and side effects. The patient and surgeon also talk about their expectations and recovery after the procedure. This helps to create a plan that is right for the patient and helps to ensure proper post-procedure care.

In conclusion, the pre-rhinoplasty consultation and planning process encourages a strong communication between the patient and surgeon and ensures a successful and satisfying procedure.

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